Ecanyon's Supply Chain Management By Ecca Limited
In today's changing environment constantly, ECCA Limited’s supply chain management strategy is a key element affecting its global competitiveness. To look at behind strategic perspective of supply chain in companies is to be aware a long-term satisfaction both customer and the companies. The changing environment influences supply chain market-oriented strategies depending on mutual value expectations. Therewithal, companies, which run its as a global, are much care on its supply chain management strategies though. Therefore, fundamental Supply Chain business process and activities tend to develop and innovate its effects reflect on the market demand. Due to the fact, this research would provide an in-depth critical analysis of strategical supply chain management process as well as answered the questions that How do successful Ecca Limited pursuit a path with Supply Chain Management's perspective such as cost reduction and customer value? And how are ECCA Limited supply chain operation to create and deliver value to customers through effective management of the supply chain?
First of all, the most challenge facing Ecca Limited is risk management related supply chain. Indeed, Ecca Limited have to look at both sides for the company and customer perspective. The market driver are variables to manage different supply philosophies such as lean, agile, leagile(hybrid). These philosophies using as production lines which provides depending on customer value expectations. There are several differences between each other such as predictability products demand. Nevertheless, if these philosophies could be integrated technology such as Cloud Computing Technologies, ERP, CRM, MRP, etc., Ecca Limited would be a complement their goal of service enhancement. Information technology is given ECCA Limited more efficiency and responsiveness such as synchronisation and information flows. Ecca Limited survival depends on the construction and integration of data information that promotes adaptation of the environment, as well as the promotion of environmental changes through the Ecca Limited's integrated technology and practices. Sharing information is that cost reduction when there is a full contact intercommunication along the supply such as Vendor Managed Inventory(VMI). When suppliers and customers working with together can manage cost, improve quality and products to make faster as well as gain business become competitive in global market. IT is increasingly critical part of the framework of the modern organisation that supports today's operations and all impact on the decision-making process and strategic position. Accurate information can increase productivity by reducing inventory and shipping costs, improve responsiveness by matching the right information the right time. It has been suggested that a well-connected business process improves supply chain management (SCM) performance by reducing supply costs, shortening delivery time, and providing appropriate feedback, maintaining low inventory levels.
On the second hand, due to Ecca Limited's vision and strategy target required, supply chain is covered with each generic measurement perspective such as financial, customer, internal business process, learning and growth. These each perspective reflect performance measurement to give companies competitor performance standards as well as increasing customer satisfaction.Obviously, financial power is one of the vital issue for all companies. Financial perspective is basically involved with income and outcome; ‘the traditional needed for financial data’. Ecca Limited can just reach operations as much as its financial strengths. Supply chain financing costs have a significant impact on the cost of goods sold by the ultimate consumer. More financial strength are always affected their supply as well as customer requests by Ecca Limited. Cash flows using as a products flows which provide customer various and quality goods. For instance, cash flows stronger global companies are likely to be created their account bank systems like eBay for PayPal, Amazon for Amzn money store. It was analysed this specific aspects of financial supply chains perspective, risk decreasing for customer and supplier financing in the industry. Processes are ‘therefore inseparably combined to the supply chain activities defined’.
The heart of supply chain management is internal business processes aims to satisfy shareholders and customers values by providing excellence service each other. This perspective-based metric allows managers to know how well their business works and whether their products / services meet customer requirements. Managing internal process in supply chain is focus on innovation, operation and post-sale services. Process management is concerned with improving the links between customer and supply chain management. Apparently, Transport services play a central role in seamless supply chain operations, relocating materials from supply areas to production facilities, repositioning inventory between different facilities and distribution centers, and delivering finished goods to end customers.Purchasing, operations and customer service should inform the shipping department of when goods will be shipped and when their targets are needed such as on time delivery. They can arrange a benefit from transportation consolidations or routing efficiencies when supply chain planning information is provided to transportation managers, including resource availability and delivery requirements customers.With this information, transportation planners can assess consolidation requirements and arrange incoming, outgoing, and interfacing transactions so that products can find ways to bring together flows seamlessly across the supply chain and movements to reduce costs. Therefore, internal business in supply chain basically is management process in Ecca Limited to provide the best operation to end customers. ‘Every part of the supply chain should have the same mission’: to satisfy the end customer and maximize the value added of the general chain. It is provided that end customer is increasing satisfaction reliable when employees keep in touch with them to give a notice about their products timing. This gives their customer reliability for the invoice accuracy data flows. Marketers designate products, prices, promotions, and locations to create marketing plans that will ensure customer satisfaction and patronage.
Ecca Limited’s own approach to managing business process involvement innovation provides to customer value expectations. Innovation is a striking key for benchmarking which is a step towards the competitiveness of the company and hence the whole supply chain. For instance; Business Intelligence (BI) is a brilliant system for e-commerce to provide between and customer in real-time capabilities as well as working with together. If companies would introduce their service with BI system , it can be quickly process information to provide customer suitable cost critically decisions straight away.
In perspective of ECCA Limited, It has been learning and growth that global companies lead to having gain ability its supply chain perspective. Innovation and continuous learning process can provide efficiency in the field of business of the operator. ECCA Limited’ supply chain system is improving to measure of availability of critical real time information which provides customer monitoring to delivery for in just in time process. When ECCA Limited learning increased, the supply chain reach the pick of the competitive power of the company step by step. Customer service is a competitive weapon in global companies’ perspective. Customer service is the efficiency of the entire system: this is due to the combined efforts of all functions or segments of both the internal and external supply chain.Closer customer relationships depend on the strategic ability of Ecca Limited to determine the needs of its customers and the size of their commitment to meet those requirements. When firms reach this level of ‘intimacy with the customers, it becomes increasingly difficult for the competitors to intervene’.As a result of building strong relationships with customers, insights can also be used to improve operational efficiency and cost efficiency by working together. SCM competence plays a significant role in creating value for shareholders by influencing customer satisfaction. Increasing trust from customer perspective when transparency is involved. Better efficiency and effectiveness are behind the need to increase transparency. Customer value has to be met with return policy properly as a result of that in any step that findings support the hypothesis that both progression and persistence of customer retention are affected by well service quality. To achieve excellence customer expectations value is a mirror to reflect ECCA Limited’s achievement by the whole organisational structure perspective layer.