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Unlocking the Essence of Customer Value: A Comprehensive Exploration

by Ecca Limited 06 Nov 2021

Existing definitions of customer value reveal a surprising diversity of meanings: Value is the consumer's overall assessment of the utility of a product based on perceptions of what is received and what is given. 

Value in business markets [is] the perceived worth in monetary units of the set of economic, technical, service and social benefits received by a customer firm in exchange for the price paid for a product, taking into consideration the available suppliers' offerings and prices. Buyers' perceptions of value represent a tradeoff between the quality or benefits they perceive in the product relative to the sacrifice they perceive by paying the price. Customer value is market perceived quality adjusted for the relative price of your product.  By customer value, we mean the emotional bond established between a customer and a producer after the customer has used a salient product or service produced by that supplier and found the product to provide an added value.

At first glance, commonalities among these definitions stand out. For instance, customer value is inherent in or linked through the use to some product. This characteristic distinguishes customer value from personal or organizational "values," those centrally held and enduring beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad that cut across situations and products or services. In addition, customer value is something perceived by customers rather than objectively determined by a seller. Finally, these perceptions typically involve a trade-off between what the customer receives (e.g., quality, benefits, worth, utilities) and what he or she gives up to acquire and use a product (e.g., price, sacrifices).

Where customer value concepts diverge. Delving deeper into customer value concept discussions reveals substantive meaning differences. One difference lies in the way definitions are constructed. They typically rely on other terms, such as utility, worth, benefits, and quality, that, too often, are themselves not well defined. That makes it difficult to compare concepts. For example, is customer value as quality the same thing as customer value as worth or as benefits? Is a benefit built into and part of a product, or is it something that customers experience as the result of using a product in a use situation? We cannot answer these questions without examining exactly what these secondary concepts mean. On the positive side, exploring these differences may lead to a deeper understanding of customer value. Customer value concepts also differs as to the circumstances within which customers think about value.

Looking good should be a pleasure, and not an obligation, but suits simply lacked personality. So, Ecca put its sense of style and creative mind to work and brought together a team of top designers, tailors and manufacturers who shared our vision and worked towards the same dream: a superior menswear brand. Ecca London products combine three key features: excellent craftsmanship, flattering fit and elegant individuality. They can be styled for any occasion and, wherever you go, they will turn heads, reflect your status and boost your confidence.

Our Values

A gentleman is a man of principles and a company that caters to gentlemen should be no different. We set ourselves high standards in our approach to our products, the people we interact with and the environment we live in.

Our products

  • We design with our customers’ needs in mind and listen closely to their feedback
  • We work with leading designers and manufacturers whose skills and passion are valued in the global fashion industry
  • We are confident that our suits are of the highest quality and fairly priced
  • We will only ever produce up to 100 pieces of each design, regardless of demand
  • We have taken ordering products that our factory producing in each week approximately 2000-2500 pieces suits production line is available in Turkey.

The people we interact with

  • We have the utmost respect for our customers and offer a personalised high-end shopping experience
  • We value the people we work with and we invest in their skills and talent
  • We will never knowingly work with companies that do not share our high standards

The environment

  • We acknowledge that the fashion industry is a significant contributor to pollution and we seek the most sustainable solution in each business decision we make
  • We are thoughtful in the use of resources. For example, our packaging box is reusable and recyclable and our tissue paper supplier plants a tree for every order we place
  • Despite the global character of fashion, we actively try to reduce our carbon footprint and will minimise air travel where possible

 Exquisite Men's Fashion with Unmatched Quality and Style  Looking for a fashion brand that embodies impeccable craftsmanship, a flattering fit, and elegant individuality? Ecca London is the answer. Our team of top designers, tailors, and manufacturers are dedicated to bringing you a superior menswear brand that goes beyond the ordinary.

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