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Revolutionising from Clothing and Leather Manufacturers' production line process end to E-commerce Services :

by Isa Savci 20 Aug 2022

Revolutionising from Manufacturing Process to Clothing and Leather Marketing with Integrated E-commerce Services: and third parties
In this article, we will delve into how ECCA Limited, a London-based wholesale shoe and clothing manufacturing company, is spearheading a revolution in the industry. Since its establishment in 2017, ECCA Limited has been a prominent player in the UK market, primarily focusing on providing wholesale shoes to customers across the country. However, between 2018 - 2019, ECCA embarked on a transformative journey by integrating its production lines for shoes and clothing, complemented by cutting-edge e-commerce technology. This strategic integration enabled ECCA to expand its product offerings beyond shoes, diversifying into clothing as well. The company's vision encompassed a comprehensive range of services, including product manufacturing, investments, education, and a suite of packaged production control connectors.

ECCA London Chic Menswear 's foray into clothing marketing was marked by significant investments in suits, shirts, and tracksuits production lines in June 2018. This strategic move aimed to broaden their product portfolio and capture a larger market share. The successful implementation of these production lines laid the foundation for the subsequent collaboration with, an manufacturers' e-commerce platform, serves as a major factories belongs ECCA, leveraging its services and products as an integral component of the supply chain management. The collaboration between ECCA and offers a comprehensive manufacturers' e-commerce solution to consumers in the clothing and leather product industries. Their partnership encompasses various aspects, such as demand production, order processing, stock management, advanced production catalogs, financial services, e-retail capabilities, and social media integration.

To better understand' s innovative manufacturers' service approach, let's examine the three-layered manufacturing production system outlined in ECCA's white paper, with a specific focus on designer apparel and leather products:

Manufacturing Production System Layer :
At the core of ECCA's manufacturing operations lies a sophisticated infrastructure that controls the entire production process. This includes an ERP system, key manufacturing and production systems, and proprietary databases for manufacturing patterns. The white paper highlights the importance of standardized access to this infrastructure, enabling the production of goods in a "canonical format." Notably, ECCA faces challenges related to varying size measurements across different regions (e.g., UK, EU, USA) and the presence of diverse cutting mold patterns that impact the manufacturing process.

Production Process Layer :
This layer encompasses the interface and interaction with manufacturing information generated by the production system. ECCA emphasizes the need to encapsulate this information independently of the source systems and channels through which it flows. The white paper highlights a common logic that underlies purchase and order processing, linking products, wholesale and retail channels, and geographical considerations. The encapsulation of this logic can be complex, depending on the structure of the business's production processes. Supply chain lines play a crucial role in executing order production processes, purchase orders, inventory checks, and other related tasks. For instance, ECCA's order production process includes thorough checks, such as verifying stock inventory.

Manufacturer Experience Layer :
The products manufactured by ECCA are distributed through various channels, each with its specific requirements for accessing production-related data in different formats. Retail branches serving local customers, global e-commerce sites, and mobile shopping applications all demand access to diverse customer data fields, each with its distinct format. ECCA's supply chain management and manufacturing line processes tackle this challenge by establishing point-to-point integrations for each channel. By reconfiguring production line processes, they ensure that all manufacturing lines can be readily accessed to meet the demand for products. Different channels, such as order production processes, wholesale clients, and e-commerce platforms like ECANYON.CO.UK, ETSY, AMAZON, EBAY, ALIBABA may require variations in the experience production line.

In conclusion, ECCA's revolutionary integration of manufacturing processes, clothing production, and e-commerce services has positioned them as a trailblazer in the industry. Their collaboration with and other third parties websites exemplifies their commitment to streamlining supply chain management, optimizing order processing, improving inventory management, and meeting the growing demand for on-demand products. ECCA's innovative approach is setting a new standard in the industry, driving the revolution from traditional manufacturing to a more integrated and digitally driven landscape.

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